Certified true copy of the resolution passed at the meeting of the Bharatiya BSNL Officer's Association
Public Grievance regarding poor condition of diversion
Request for transfer of Smt. D. Bhagya Laxmi SDE (Kunoor)
Guidelines for filling of e-APAR through ERP-reg.
Guidelines for filling of e-APAR through ERP-reg.
Guidelines for filling of e-APAR through ERP-reg.
Guidelines for filling of e-APAR through ERP-reg.
Guidelines for filling out Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of employees in BSNL - reg.
Guidelines for filling out Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) of employees in BSNL - reg.
Guidelines for filling out Annual - Performance Appraisal Reports (APASs) of employees in BSNL - reg.
Guidelines for filling e-APAR through ERP-reg.
Guidelines for filling of e-APAR through ERP-reg.
श्रीमती हीराबेन मोदी जी के लिए शोक संदेश